We do not permit any inappropriate action or any language that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct. OTHER PROHIBITED ACTIONS SPECIFICALLY INCLUDE:
- Harassment, intimidation, or any menacing, vulgar behavior or language, including swearing, name-calling or shouting by words, gestures, or body language.
- Physical contact with another person that is threatening in any way or any unsolicited verbal or physical advance, demonstration of sexual activity, or any sexual contact with another person
- Carrying or concealing any weapons, devices, or objects that may be used as weapons
- Any form of tobacco, nicotine, or vaping is not permitted on YMCA grounds, including the parking lots
- Using or possessing illegal chemicals, drugs, or alcohol on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles, or at YMCA sponsored programs
- Loitering within or on the grounds of the YMCA
- Personal training or coaching by any member who is not a certified YMCA Trainer
- Any solicitation of YMCA members or YMCA staff for services or products unaffiliated with the YMCA
- Bringing unregistered or prohibited guests into the facility at any time
- Use of social networking websites in a manner that is contrary to the YMCA’s mission, is detrimental to the community, or is in violation of the law
- Bringing animals onto the property or into the facility, with the exception of service dogs
DRESS CODE Our YMCA is a family-friendly environment and we ask that all members, visitors, and guests refrain from wearing offensive or inappropriately revealing attire. Appropriate athletic attire and closed-toe, laced athletic sneakers are required for all fitness centers, Milam Center, and all group exercise classes. NO jeans, work pants or cargo pants, boots, crocs, slip on shoes or sock shoes are permitted. In the Milam Center, any black soled shoe must be non marking. Aquatics Area – Street shoes are not permitted on the pool deck beyond the entrance. A bathing suit (any one piece or appropriate two piece made from synthetic material, including: nylon, polyester, or spandex) must be worn in the pool at all times. Not permitted in the pool: any oversized clothing or cotton material clothing (cut-offs, shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, underwear, etc…); also, no belts, or disposable or paper diapers are permitted. All children in diapers must use swim diapers or plastic pants with snug fitting elastic waist and legs bands. Those members who do not meet the dress code will be asked to change, or they may be asked to leave.
PERSONAL BELONGINGS: Members are permitted to have a phone, water bottle, and keys with them in our fitness areas. All loose clothing, jackets, bags, etc… must either be left in your vehicle or they may be placed in the general storage areas located in the Health and Adventure Center. Loose clothing cannot be hung or draped over equipment or placed near the equipment for the safety of all members. Open beverage containers or glasses are not permitted in the fitness centers or Mila Center. Please note the YMCA does not assume responsibility for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged.
MUSIC: Members are encouraged to listen to music while in the facility, through their own personal devices, utilizing headphones or earbuds. Music may not be played out loud.
CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell phone usage is restricted in all locker rooms, restrooms, and in the Free Weight Room, Family Fitness Center, Health and Adventure Center, Pool and Multipurpose Center. Any behavior that violates another member’s privacy, is disruptive, or poses a threat will not be permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: all personal phone calls, photography, or video recording of any other member without their consent.
GENERAL LOCKER ROOM GUIDELINES Our locker rooms are shared spaces. Our Y establishes these guidelines for the comfort and privacy of all, as well as, to keep these areas as clean and sanitary as possible. All locker rooms include bathrooms, showers, changing areas, and lockers for daily use. It is expected that all members respect other members’ personal space while in the locker rooms. Personal hygiene in the locker rooms should be strictly limited to showering, toileting, washing your hands and basic personal grooming; NOT permitted is any shaving, hair coloring, foot treatments, or any behavior that is unsanitary or offensive to other members.
- LOCKER USE AND RENTALS Lockers are for daily use only unless rented. Personal locks must be removed by the end of your visit, unless rented. Locks found on unrented lockers may be cut. A limited number of lockers are available to rent. Locks may be available for purchase. See Member Services if interested.
- ADULT LOCKER ROOMS are located on the 2nd floor and are available for daily use to Facility Members over 18 years of age, and are accessible utilizing a door code (which can be obtained from Member Services). Adult locker rooms include a whirlpool and steam room. Members are required to shower prior to use. Personal grooming is not permitted in either of these areas. Members are required to wear clean, proper bathing attire while in the whirlpool or steam room or have a towel fully around their body while in the steam room.
- FAMILY LOCKER ROOMS: The Men’s and Boys’ Family Locker room is located on the lower level and the Ladies’ and Girls’ Family Locker room is located on the second floor. Both are available to all YMCA Facility and Program Members of any age. Parents with children under the age of 12 should accompany their children in the locker room. Parents with children five (5) and under are permitted to bring their child, regardless of the sex, into their respective locker rooms; parents with children six (6) and older must be of the same sex to utilize the locker rooms, or they are welcome to use the gender inclusive, handicap-accessible family changing rooms, located on the first floor. Lockers are for daily use only. Personal locks must be removed by the end of your visit. Lockers are not available for rent in the family locker rooms.
- GENDER INCLUSIVE, HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE, FAMILY CHANGING ROOMS are located on the 1st floor and are primarily available to YMCA Facility or Program Members with limited mobility, or parents with children of opposite gender.
- TRANSGENDER INCLUSION – BATHROOMS/LOCKER ROOMS: In keeping with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and to ensuring everyone feels both welcome and safe at the Y, we offer transgender individuals the opportunity to choose the locker room they are most comfortable with. We encourage transgender individuals to meet with our Y staff upon their initial membership registration, to review their options for locker rooms. We encourage any transgender individuals to utilize our gender inclusive, family changing areas located on the Main Floor, which include bathroom, shower, changing area and locker, but also have male and female locker rooms available.
CHILD PROTECTION AND ANTI-ABUSE POLICY - Our organization is committed to providing all youth with a safe environment and have zero tolerance for abuse.
- Our organization will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of any youth, by any youth or adult, and therefore will not tolerate any behavior that is classified under the definition of bullying (physical, verbal, nonverbal, relational, or cyber bullying). To the extent that such actions are disruptive, we will take the necessary steps to eliminate such behaviors.
- Anyone who witnesses suspicious or inappropriate behavior, including bullying, with or between youth are required to report it. All reports of suspicious or inappropriate behavior with youth, or allegations of abuse, will be taken seriously. Our organization will fully cooperate with authorities if allegations of abuse are made and investigated by authorities.
- Some areas of our facility utilize video technology to protect all persons, and will be turned over to authorities when needed.
- In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving child abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted of any offense related to the sale, possession, and/or transportation of illegal drugs, or who shows signs or symptoms of being under the influence of illegal drugs, chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages.
- At all times, all minor children must be accompanied to the restroom or locker room by the child’s parent or a YMCA staff member or volunteer (screened and trained). At no time is a staff person, volunteer, or member ever to be alone with a single child, teen, or vulnerable adult, where others cannot observe them. When a youth program is in session, designated restrooms or locker rooms will be blocked off to the public.
BREASTFEEDING: In an effort to continue to make the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA an all-inclusive and welcoming facility, breastfeeding Mother’s, whether members, staff, or the community, are permitted to breastfeed in the Y’s facility. New Jersey law specifically protects the right to breastfeed in public, permitting every mother to breastfeed in any place within a place of public accommodation where she is otherwise entitled to be. Staff may offer Mothers other areas to use that are more comfortable, if they wish. These areas include, if they choose, pending availability. Child Watch Room, located on the first floor, First floor eating area, located by the vending machines, full facility locker rooms (18+) and, Family locker rooms, Female first floor bathroom
SERVICE ANIMALS: In an effort to continue to make the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA an all-inclusive and welcoming facility, any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability, is allowed in our facility. Service dogs are permitted to accompany the handler to any place in the building or facility where members of the public, program participants, customers, or members are allowed.
Emotional support animals, comfort animal, and therapy dogs are not service animals under Title II and Title II of the ADA, and therefore are NOT allowed in our facility. Pets and all other species of animals or dogs that are not service animals are NOT allowed in our facility. The New Jersey LAD (Law Against Discrimination) requires public accommodations to allow people with disabilities who use service dogs, subject only to these conditions:
- You must keep the dog in your custody at all times.
- You can be required to pay for any damage your dog causes.
- You can't be charged an additional fee for having a service dog.
- Under the ADA, your service animal can be excluded from a public accommodation if it poses a direct threat to health and safety. For example, if your dog is aggressively barking and snapping at other customers, the facility can kick the dog out.
LOST AND FOUND POLICY As an organization that values respect, honesty, and caring, and responsibility, we ask that if any member finds any item that does not belong to them, they immediately turn it in to Member Services. All items that have been turned in will be kept in the Lost and Found closet for a minimum period of 2 weeks. Unclaimed items will be disposed of/donated to local charity. For health and safety reasons, Member Services is not able to store any wet clothing or towels, or opaque (not clear) beverage containers or any container with liquid. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. If you have lost an item, please come to Member Services as soon as possible and give a detailed description of the item, what area of the facility it may have been left, the date in which it was lost, along with your contact information. If the item is not currently in our lost and found, or you believe the item has be stolen, we will conduct a thorough investigation to see if we can identify any misconduct in hopes of retrieving your item and returning it.