Published: December 6, 2021
Who Wants to Enjoy a Swim and a Chance to Meet Santa?
Families who want to enjoy an evening of seasonal fun will want to be at the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA on Friday, December 10. From 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. on that evening the Y will host its annual Swim with Santa. The event will include swimming, healthy snacks, optional “Nerf battles,” and holiday crafts. The community is invited. This event is especially geared families with children who are three and older. Registration is requested by Thursday, December 9.
Photos with Santa will be possible, as will a dip in the pool with Santa when he makes a special guest appearance during the event.
Preregistration is requested. The prices are all based on a family of four. The fee is $12.00 for community families; $10.00 for Y program members’; and $5.00 for Y facility members’ families. Each additional guest costs $2.00 more.
During the holiday season, the YMCA also hosts an annual food drive to benefit our area’s families. Participants in “Swim with Santa” are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item that can be donated through the YMCA to a local family in need.
One adult must go into the pool for every child under eleven years. For other guidelines, please call the YMCA at (856)691-0030 or check